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I have been practicing and teaching yoga for more than 30  years. It is a constant companion that has never let me down.  Yoga awakens the spirit of enquiry  that starts on the mat  (or meditation seat)  but doesn’t end there. It  guides us towards the presence and connection that allows us to realise our true nature, the deep peace that lies at the very heart of existence. 


Yoga practice is about cultivating  presence ,  responding to what arises, moment by moment, breath by breath.  My approach combines an embodied asana practice  with an exploration of yoga’s potential for greater self knowledge and deepening awareness.  Postures, breath work, meditation and relaxation  can encourage you to explore your inner world. Notice  your thoughts, feelings and reactions on the yoga mat and you can begin to apply what you discover to everyday life. 

Embracing the Heart of Yoga with Tuesday McNeill
online and in person


Creative, intuitive, person-centred and holistic, these Scaravelli-influenced classes encourage a spirit of enquiry. Students are supported to develop at their own pace through exploring the relationships between body, ground, breath and space and how this relates to experiencing a more embodied life. 


Suitable for experienced students who are looking to develop greater insight into the key principles of yoga and a more creative approach to their practice, each session  explores different themes based on yoga philosophy, embodied awareness and heart-centred living.

In person classes

Day   & Time      Tuesday evenings 7.30 - 9.00 pm

Dates                   June to November

Venue                 St Marys United Reformed Church Hall,   Frist Cross Road , Twickenham TW2 5QA

For more information:


I have worked wth Marc for a number of years. His revolutionary approach goes beyond posture work to a deep enquiry into the nature of the relationship between ourselves and the world we inhabit so that we can live and move with more ease, grace and freedom.



Scaravelli-inspired Yoga workshops with Marc J Acquaviva 



Scaravelli-inspired Yoga involves a deep personal process of transformation through developing awareness of,and exploring and simplifying relationships between, the pull of gravity from beneath, the action of the breath, and the potential liberation and elongation of the spine that can arise from those relationships.

It is a principle that is both revolutionary and absolutely common-sense, and can be the foundation that forms into a fascinating life-long journey of self-inquiry that somehow sheds light on the true nature of being human.

To Marc's understanding the word 'yoga' means to bind, to put back together, to reintegrate. It has nothing to do with achieving postures by distorting the body, but it has everything to do with creating the unique condition of harmony and synergy within the structure, and by reflection, within the human being.  When this state is achieved, the body is suddenly capable of moving in extraordinary ways with simplicity and grace.

For more information go to


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Heart Twickenham


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